Electoral College Vote Officially Affirms Biden’s Victory - 미국 대선이 공식적으로 바이든의 승리로 끝이 났다.

The vote made official Joe Biden’s victory, despite President Trump’s attempt to subvert the nation’s democratic process, and it put pressure on Republicans to acknowledge the outcome.

For all of the turmoil that Mr. Trump had stirred with his conspiracy theories, lawsuits and baseless claims of fraud, the Electoral College vote that sealed Mr. Biden’s victory was mostly a staid, formal affair, devoid of drama. As it always is.

혼란과 여러 소음에도 미국 대선은 안정적으로 마무리 되어 가고 있다. 그럼에도 바이든의 앞길이 평탄하지는 않을 것 같다.